Redel (Red) Comia - Safe Refuge Co-Founder

Red and Naomi founded Safe Refuge together in 2007. Red is a Registered Nurse who answered the call of God on her life to come back to serve the poorest of the poor in the nation of her birth. As a single mom to two, now grown sons, and a lola (grandma) to two precious grandchildren, Red's personal journey has been one of incredible challenges and beautiful victories. Red has faithfully served on Safe Refuge's leadership team since even before day one. She has served in many capacities over the years wherever there is a need. Currently she is serving as Safe Refuge’s National Director. Red is a gifted singer and passionate worshipper of God. She has a natural gift to nurture and serve as a mother to the motherlerless.



Marilyn Factor - Safe Refuge Administrative Assistant


Affectionately known as "Ate Leng", Marilyn brings much joy and nurturing to our Safe Refuge Family. Leng and her husband faithfully pastored for many years before he finished his race at a young age due to complications of diabetes. Leng is mother to one treasured son whom she loves with all her heart! Through her ministry at Safe Refuge, Leng loves little ones and older ones through loss and sorrows and helps them to experience family and care. She has also stepped up to help us with the growing administrative responsibilities of daily life! We are honored to have this loving woman on our team!


Catherine Ogay- Safe Refuge Social Worker

Cat joined our team in an answer to many prayers! She brings much to our team meeting a critical need with her skills and training as a social worker. Her personal journey of healing and hope is another beautiful tool she uses daily as she serves faithfully. From paperwork to justice fights in court, hard conversations and silly healing play, she excels and thrives in her calling as a social worker. We are beyond thankful to have her on our team.